Catechism Courses & Resources

Archbishop Lefebvre in Senegal in 1957
- Penny Catechism, Fatima Centre (PDF)
- The Catechism Simply Explained, Canon Cafferata (PDF)
- Catechism of the Council of Trent (Catholic Apologetics)
- Catechism of St. Pius X (PDF)
Catechism Courses—SSPX
- Online: Intermediate Adult Catechism by Rev. Francois Laisney — Wed 7:30pm (sign-up at [email protected])
- Correspondence: Our Lady of Fatima Catechism Correspondence Course by the SSPX Sisters
- Catechism Video Series with Fr. Burfitt and others (Youtube)
- Kana Videos for Married Couples (website)
- Website: St. Edmund Campion Catechism Group (notes from previous course)
Catechism Courses—Other
- Basics of the Catholic Faith Videos, David Rodriguez, Fatima Centre
- What We Catholics Believe, Daphne McLeod (audio)
- Catechism of Catholic Doctrine, Fr. Hugh Thwaites (audio)
- Our Glorious Faith, Fr. Hugh Thwaites (audio)
Reference works
- Map of Life, Frank Sheed (PDFs)
- Theology for Beginners, Frank Sheed (PDFs)
- Theology & Sanity, Frank Sheed (Internet Archive)
- Familiar explanations of the Catholic Faith (Catholic Apologetics)
- Confessions of Convert, Mgr RH Benson (University of Notre Dame)
- Free talks about the Catholic Faith (Soundcloud)
- Free online Catholic books (website)
- Pro Heriditate Catholica collection (website)
- Marriage Handbook — summary of Casti Connubii
- Douay-Rheims Bible (website)
- Baltimore Catechism (website)
- Summa Theologica, St Thomas Aquinas (website)
- Companion to the Summa, Walter Farrell (website)
- New Advent — Catholic encyclopaedia (incl. Summa)
Crisis in the Church
- Crisis in the Church podcast series
- The Modern Mass: A Reversion to the Reforms of Cranmer
- The Ottaviani Intervention: a brief critical study of the Novus Ordo Missae
- Communion In The Hand And Other Similar Frauds by Michael Davies
- Archbishop Lefebvre: An Open Letter To Confused Catholics (PDF ♦ audio)
- Archbishop Lefebvre: Other works (website)
Society of St. Pius X
- New to SSPX?
- FAQ Videos with Fr. Steven MacDonald — Introduction ♦ Playlist (Youtube)
- Library of works (website)

Archbishop Lefebvre in Senegal in 1957