Standing, sitting and kneeling at Mass

There are no rubrics that determine the correct posture of the laity at different parts of the Mass, neither is there perfect agreement between the great lights of liturgical practice, such as Fortiscue, O'Connell and Sterky (for the French). Most Catholics are witness to diverse and curious variations of practice—not only from one country to the next, but also within the the same diocese and even within the same chapel! Often such a diversity of practice is the occasion of distraction, or consternation, or even a loss of charity among the faithful. It is for this reason that the following practice is prescribed by the Superiors.

Sung Mass and Solemn High Mass

The principal to remember is that the faithful should stand when singing the responses or when singing with the choir (except the Gloria and the Credo when they sit with the priest).

During the processional entry Stand
At the intoning of the Asperges  Kneel
When servers stands Stand
From the Sign of the Cross to the Kyrie Kneel
At the intoning of the Kyrie      Stand
When the priest sits during the Gloria Sit
At the end of the sung Gloria (after the Amen) Stand
At the beginning of the Epistle Sit
When priest approaches the missal to sing the Gospel Stand
At the beginning of the sermon Sit
At the end of the sermon Stand
When the priest sits during the Credo Sit
At the end of the sung Credo (after the Amen) Stand
After the Oremus of the Offertory Sit
After the incensation of the altar (when the MC kisses the priest's hand) Stand
During the Preface Stand
At the end of the sung Sanctus Kneel
After the Oremus at the end of the Canon (just before the Pater Noster) Stand
After the sung Agnus Dei Kneel
After the priest recites the Communion (just before the Dominus Vobiscum) Stand
After the Ite Missa Est Kneel
At the Last Gospel until the recession of clergy Stand