St. Patrick's Academy Retreats

St Patrick's Academy Chapel

Ignatian Retreats

Attending the Exercises of St. Ignatius for the first time can be a life-changing experience. An Ignatian Retreat can reveal how far a soul has slipped from a true love of God and from an appreciation of God's love for souls. 

The first part of the retreat brings a soul to the understanding of the difference between the perception of spiritual health and the reality of how we actually stand before God.  The second part of the retreat teaches the means by which a soul may cultivate a true love of God.

Retreat & Conference Schedule 2024


9–14 Sep
Men's Ignatian Retreat
Preached by Frs David Sherry, Henry Wuilloud and Jules Doutrebente
16–21 Sep Women's Ignatian Retreat Preached by Frs David Sherry and Leo Boyle


St. Patrick’s Academy
Woodville House
Co. Mayo
F23 VY 39

Tel: +353(1) 284 2206
[email protected]


General information about retreats

5-day retreats begin on Monday at 4pm and end Saturday at 1pm. Retreatants must be present for their entire retreat and should attend all the conferences.

Items to bring:

• Rosary and missal
• Christian warfare book
• Towel, soap and toiletries
• Alarm clock
• Clothes according to the weather and the christian modesty

Please do not bring Electronic devices, newspapers or magazines. When you arrive, please give your mobile phone to the priest. Depending on the number of retreatants, you may have to share a room. Each room has it's own bathroom.

Suggested donations

250€ for retreats. The application form and a deposit (NOT refundable) of 50€ (week retreats) must be sent at least TWO weeks before the start of the retreat. Pay initial deposit and then the full balance when the retreat is confirmed.

Please note that application forms must be completed to book for a Retreat and received at least two weeks in advance by email to [email protected] or by post at the above address.

How to sign-up

1. Complete and return the application form or complete the online form below.

2: Make payment (with your name as reference):  
    - By bank transfer on this account : Bank: Permanent TSB
Account: Society of St Pius X
Account No: 26190763 Sort Code: 99-06-04
IBAN: IE66IPBS99060426190763 BIC: IPBSIE2D
    - Cheques payable to “The Society of Saint Pius X
    - By card, please click here.
    - Or by cash giving the money directly to Fr. Patrick Abbet.

3. Await confirmation email from St Pius X House, which will be sent on receipt of payment.