Youth Week in Islandeady

Source: SSPX Ireland

The Society’s Young Adults groups, Comhaltas Chriost Ri recently spent a week in Co. Mayo at a seminar under the tutelage of Fr. Ockerse. 

The week covered a wide range of topics and activities pertaining to the lives of young Catholics in today’s world. The seminar was broken up into a well-run timetable of conferences and classes which were presented by either Fr. Ockerse, our own members, or our two Dominican Sisters from France, who made the journey specially to be our guest speakers for the week.

The talks were divided up into either conferences or Hot Topics. These talks were quite informative and beneficial for anyone who wished to further their faith. Such topics included the Crisis in Society, the Crisis in the Church, the meaning of Catholic Action and persevering as a Catholic in the workplace.

The week of conferences and talks was interspersed by more recreational pursuits which were thoroughly enjoyed by all. The entire group made use of the cycling Greenway from Achill Island to Newport which was especially delightful because of  the beautiful weather and scenery in the area. The ladies and men also took part in seperate activities, with the ladies taking part in horse riding along the beaches while the men went paintballing. 

Overall, the week was a great mix of intellectual material, which was made easier to grasp due to the company of like-minded people.