Storming Heaven for Life

Source: SSPX Ireland

In light of the referendum on the Eighth Amendment which is scheduled to go to the polls early next year, Catholics around the country are coming together to storm heaven in various ways to continue the protection of the unborn in this country. After all, the battle ultimately lies in the spiritual realm. And even if the Prince of this world seems to be victorious for a time, God will eventually "awake like a mighty man that hath been surfeited with wine" (Ps. 1xxvii., 65), and "He shall break the heads of his enemies" (Ps. 1xxvii., 22). For He alone is King of heaven and earth.

But since God normally acts through secondary causes, He will use his people as instruments to hasten the day of His victory. And His most faithful instrument is His own Mother, who it has been foretold, shall “crush the head” (Gen. 3:15) of Satan. We therefore fly to Her to intercede for us in these latter times to save us from this further peril which cries to heaven for vengeance. Join the various movements to help save Ireland from committing further atrocities!

1. SAVE8 Prayer Group – leading up to the referendum, you can commit to various prayers to pray to save the 8th amendment. The core group is on a roster of spending an hour of prayer with Our Lord and the Blessed Mother from 2-3 am. Find out how you can join here.

2. Rosary on the Coast - Sunday 26 November 2017, the Feast of Christ the King, at 2:30pm, we are going to the coasts of Ireland to pray the Rosary for the Preservation of Faith in Ireland and the Protection of Life in Ireland. Find out how you can join here.

3. Consecrate the 8th - consecrate parishes, themselves and the Eighth Amendment itself to Our Lady on December 8, the solemnity of the Immaculate Conception. 33 day preparation begins 5 November. Join here.

Our Lady of Guadalupe, pray for us!