SSPX: 57 New Seminarians in 2016

Twenty-three new students are entering St. Thomas Aquinas Seminary in Winona, USA.
In these early days of October, the SSPX seminaries of the northern hemisphere are welcoming new aspirants to the priesthood. At the conclusion of a six-year program of philosophy, history, canon law and theology, in addition to prayer and an intense liturgical life, they will be ordained priests for eternity, if God wills.
Twenty-three new students are entering St. Thomas Aquinas Seminary in Winona, USA: 19 Americans, two Canadians, one Mexican and one Puerto Rican. The Seminary of the Holy Cure of Ars in Flavigny, France is welcoming 14 (12 French, one English and one Swiss); and the Sacred Heart Seminary in Zaitzkofen, Germany will receive nine (four Germans, one Belgian, one Hungarian, one Pole, one Russian, and one Swiss).
Since the beginning of the year, counting the new seminarians in the two seminaries of the Southern Hemisphere (Australia and Argentina), a total of 57 candidates for the priesthood have knocked at the doors of the Society's seminaries.
In 2015 there were 53; in 2014, 51; in 2013, 43; in 2012, 50; in 2011, 57; and in 2010, 48.
Source: SSPX/MG - DICI no. 342, October 11, 2016