"Speak the truth about life..!"

Archbishop Eamon Martin, Arch. of Armagh & Primate of Ireland
Another bishop of Ireland has finally spoken up about abortion. Following Bishop Alphonsus Cullinan’s statements in support of the 8th amendment, Archbishop Eamon Martin made a similar appeal in his pastoral message to begin the new year.
He addresses the myth that abortion is a progressive move and a step in the right direction for women’s rights. In the message he says: Abortion ends the human life of an unborn girl or boy. It deceives women – and men – by creating a culture where the decision to end the life of an unborn child is portrayed as simply a matter of individual “choice”. He says the by “making Ireland the most welcoming country in the world for the woman and her baby in the womb” would be genuine progress.
Martin encourages followers to “be missionaries for the cause of life” and tells them to argue on behalf of the Eighth Amendment despite what he says are “strong pressures to remain silent”. This message, he says, must be spread to family and friends, as well as politicians who must be aware of what the people actually think.
Would that all the Bishops in Ireland, and in the world, would decry the perversity of abortion and the various evils that plague modern society, rather than sitting idly by while such unspeakable crimes are committed against the Justice of God, the nature of man, and the order of society. May Catholic Bishops and faithful defend the attack against the 8th Amendment which greatly protects the unborn child by teaching integral Catholic doctrine and morals. May Our Lady of Knock give courage and conviction!
source: thejournal