Servers' Outing on the West Coast
Friday the 19th of October marked the beginning of the Archconfraternity of St Stephen’s Autumn outing. The Archconfraternity (ACSS) is a guild established for the instruction and sanctification of altar servers. It is most commonly known as 'The Guild of St. Stephen'.
Eighteen boys of all ages gathered in Co. Mayo for a weekend of activities, staying in St. Patrick's Academy, Islandeady. Although the weather was admittedly rather damp, it did little to allay the enthusiasm and high spirits.
After a bonfire on Friday night, the troop travelled to a misty Achill Island on Saturday where an impromptu game of soccer commenced on the beach. After leaving Achill, everyone drove to Easky where a generous lunch was provided. This was followed by a tour of Sligo Airport and, upon arriving back at Islandeady, the long day ended with the second bonfire of the weekend.The outing concluded with Sunday Mass in Athlone, capping off a thoroughly enjoyable weekend.