Novena for the feast of the Immaculate Heart of Mary

From the District of the USA
Fr. Fullerton Requests Faithful & Priests of SSPX to Pray Novena to Immaculate Heart
"The work of restoring all things in Christ will not be achieved by human means alone. Only by the grace of God and the intervention of the Mother of God will we succeed."
Dear Friends and Benefactors,
When I wrote earlier this year, I encouraged you to set aside the month of June to make reparations to the Sacred Heart of Jesus for the sins that plague our world. I was encouraged by the dedication you showed to this call. Even when innumerable ills beleaguer both the Church and society, the Catholic Faith, revealed to us by Our Lord Jesus Christ, remains a beacon of hope.
Our Blessed Mother is another beacon of hope, consolation, and joy, whose glorious Assumption into Heaven we celebrate on August 15. While May is generally regarded as the “Month of Mary,” August presents another opportunity to show special devotion to the Queen of Heaven. The traditional Octave of the Assumption culminates on August 22 with the Feast of the Immaculate Heart, a time when Catholics reflect on the immense love Our Lady holds for the entire human race. With this love in mind, I encourage you to look to Mary in August with renewed fervency.
The recent promulgation of the motu proprio Traditionis Custodes by Pope Francis has sown confusion, anxiety, and division throughout the Catholic world. Although this document does not affect the Society of Saint Pius X’s apostolate, guided as it is by the heroic witness of its founder Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre, it comes as a serious blow to the restoration of Tradition in the Roman Catholic Church. Moreover, its contents are being leveraged by some unscrupulous souls to perpetuate the falsehood that the traditional Latin Mass, what the Archbishop called “the great prayer of the Church,” can be abrogated at will. While Pope Benedict XVI’s effort to make the traditional Mass freely available was imperfect, it marked an important step toward turning the Church away from the liberalizing forces that have assaulted her for more than half a century.
Accordingly, I am asking you to use the period from the Vigil of the Assumption (August 14) to the Feast of the Immaculate Heart (August 22) to join in praying a special novena asking the Blessed Virgin Mary for the following intentions:
- to protect the work of the Society of Saint Pius X and the re-flowering of Catholic Tradition throughout the world;
- to grant consolation to all of those wounded by the recent motu proprio, wherever they may be;
- to keep all her children safe in an increasingly chaotic and sinister world.
The work of restoring all things in Christ will not be achieved by human means alone. Only by the grace of God and the intervention of the Mother of God will we succeed. To assist you in this novena, I am providing below the consecratory prayer the Society has used during its Rosary Crusades. You can join this novena by adding this prayer and the Litany of Loreto to your daily Rosary.
As always, please keep the Society of Saint Pius X in your prayers. Pray that Our Lady continues to protect our apostolate. Rest assured, our priests and religious, I included, will continue to pray for you.
In the Sacred and Immaculate Hearts of Jesus and Mary,
Fr. John Fullerton
U.S. District Superior of the Society of Saint Pius X
Consecration to the Immaculate Heart
O Immaculate Heart of Mary, Mother of the Heart of Jesus, Mother and Queen of our household, in order to fulfill Thy ardent desire, we consecrate ourselves to Thee, and we beseech Thee to reign over our family. Reign over each one of us, and teach us how to make the Sacred Heart of Thy Divine Son reign and triumph in us and around us, as He has reigned and triumphed in Thee.
Reign over us, O Beloved Mother, so that we may be Thine both in prosperity and in adversity, in joy and in sorrow, in health and in sickness, in life and in death. O most compassionate Heart of Mary, Queen of Virgins, watch over our souls and our hearts and preserve them from the flood of pride, impurity, and paganism of which Thou hast complained so bitterly. We desire to do reparation for the numerous crimes committed against Jesus and Thee. We call down upon our home, upon the homes of this country and upon those of the entire world, the peace of Christ in justice and charity.
Wherefore we promise to imitate Thy virtues, by the practice of a Christian life, and by frequent and fervent Holy Communion, regardless of human respect. We come with confidence to Thee, O Throne of Grace and Mother of Fair Love; inflame us with the same divine fire that has inflamed Thine own Immaculate Heart. Kindle in our hearts and homes, the love of purity, an ardent zeal for souls, and desire for the holiness of family life. We accept now, all the sacrifices that the Christian life will impose on us and we offer them to the Heart of Jesus, through Thy Immaculate Heart, in a spirit of reparation and of penance. To the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary be love, honor, and glory forever and ever. Amen.