Nationwide Holy Week Schedule 2018

Source: SSPX Ireland

Dun Laoghaire – St John’s

Holy Mon, Tue & Wed: 11 AM Low Mass; 6 PM Holy Rosary; 6.30 PM Low Mass 

Holy Thurs: 5.30–6 PM Confessions; 5.30 PM Holy Rosary; 6 PM Vesperal Mass followed by Adoration until midnight

Good Fri: 1.30-2.30 PM Confessions; 2 PM Stations; 3 PM Solemn Afternoon Liturgy 

Holy Sat: 9.45 PM Confessions; 10 PM Paschal Vigil 

Easter Sunday: 9.30 AM Confessions; 10 AM Low Mass

Athlone – Corpus Christi

Holy Thurs: 6-7 PM Confessions; 7 PM Mass followed by Adoration until midnight

Good Fri: 2-3 PM Confessions; 3 PM Stations followed by Liturgy

Holy Sat: 9:30-10.15 PM Confessions; 10:15 PM Paschal Vigil

Easter Sunday: 10 AM Easter Day Mass 

Cork – Our Lady of the Rosary

Holy Thursday: 6.30–6.55 PM Confessions; 7 PM Mass followed by Adoration until Midnight

Good Friday: 1:30–1.55 PM Confessions; 2 PM Rosary & Stations followed by Liturgy

Easter Sunday: 10:30-10.55 AM Confessions; 11 AM Easter Day Mass

Belfast - St Pius V Chapel

Easter Sunday: 10 AM Low Mass

Newry - Our Lady of Knock Chapel

Easter Sunday: 10 AM Low Mass