Knock Conference 2020

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Vatican II was meant to be the springtime of the Church. Half a century later we find the Church suffering from a crisis which seemed unthinkable at the close of the council. But one man predicted the fallout of the council; and coming out of retirement, he offered a solution.
Only a few short years after the close of the council some young seminarians approached the retired Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre and asked him to provide a proper priestly formation - a formation which they could no longer find in their local seminaries. By 1970 Archbishop Lefebvre, with the blessing of the local Ordinary, had founded a congregation focused on the priesthood. But Rome soon became displeased with Lefebvre's insistence on the Latin Mass, and this became a point of contention with the Vatican authorities.
Nevertheless faithful flocked to the Archbishop, begging him to send them his priests. By 1976 priests were already administering in Ireland, and now they administer to five Mass centres spread out across the country.
In light of the 50th anniversary of the founding of Archbishop Lefebvre's order, we invite you to listen to a panel of speakers who will address the identity, mission and future of the Society of St Pius X. They will also discuss the impact they have had on Ireland since the early days of Masses in rented hotel rooms, front living rooms, windowless basements, attic rooms and rented music halls.
The recently elected superior of the Society, Fr Davide Pagliarani, will give the keynote address.
Register now
€30 if you book now; €40 if you register at the door.