Ireland Surreptitiously Selling Murder to the People Who Seem Willing to Buy In

Source: SSPX Ireland

On the 7th of March the Irish Supreme Court issued a landmark ruling that the unborn child has no constitutional rights beyond the right to life contained in the Eighth Amendment to the Irish Constitution. 

The Irish Independent reported:

“...the seven member court unanimously rejected a High Court ruling which found the unborn had other rights under the Constitution and was considered a child, with rights the State is expected to vindicate... The ruling will remove much uncertainty ahead of the referendum the Government plans to hold in May to remove Article 40.3.3, better known as the Eighth Amendment, and to allow the Oireachtas to legislate to regulate the termination of pregnancy.  Delivering judgment in Limerick, Chief Justice Frank Clarke said it was the unanimous view of the court that the unborn does not have rights outside the right to life in the Eighth Amendment.”

This ruling was followed the day after by a statement from the government advising that Citizens will be asked whether they want to remove the Eighth Amendment, which gives equal right to life to the mother and the unborn, and replace it with wording that would allow politicians to set Ireland’s abortion laws in the future.

That wording will be: “Provision may be made by law for the regulation of termination of pregnancies.”

This makes the matter crystal clear given the government’s previously stated position that abortion would be made legal up to the 12th week of pregnancy.  If you vote yes to change you condemn the future pre-born children of Ireland to mortal danger for the first 12 weeks of their existence.  The health minister Simon Harris commented on how fitting it was that the government was announcing this on International Women’s Day!  The irony seemed to be lost on him that a large number of the children due to be condemned by this proposed legislation will be female.

Meanwhile in Rome on the same day our ex-President Mrs Mary McAleese was giving a speech at the inaccurately named “Voices of Faith” conference in Rome where she stated that  “A Church hierarchy that is homophobic and anti-abortion is not the Church of the future".  She referred to the Church as "one of the last great bastions of misogyny".  She heaped contumely on the Church of Christ and was applauded for it.  As one letter writer to the Irish news wrote,

“How much longer must we mere mortals endure the moaning and sanctimonious pontificating of Mary McAleese?  A relic from the realm of the political undead, she wanders around the interior of our churches and the public forum like some unearthly Nosferatu boring and annoying faithful Catholics in equal measure”. 

The writer also pointed out that Mrs McAleese prior to her presidential run had been involved in a group called Brothers and Sisters in Christ known as "BASIC" the forerunner of "We Are Church" a pressure group which advocates for female ordination and acceptance of homosexuality.  During her speech she advocated for the same as well as abortion.

The progressive elite in this country has been pushing for abortion since the referendum for the Eighth Amendment was passed in 1983.  In the intervening period the people of Ireland have fallen further away from the Faith which sustained them through centuries of persecution and seem more likely these days to worship at a stock exchange than a Church.  While countries like Poland and Hungary are experiencing a Catholic resurgence, Ireland seems keen to divest itself of its Catholic Faith and this is without doubt the cause of the attack on the unborn.  The reason we are having to defend against abortion is due to the diminution of the Faith.  The push to legalise murder is a symptom.  The elites are selling murder in the guise of compassion for women; the question is will the people of Ireland buy?