Consecration to St. Joseph

Dear Faithful,
On 19th March 2013, the Society of Saint Pius X was solemnly consecrated to Saint Joseph, Patron of the Universal Church.
This 19th March will be ten years since St. Joseph, the spouse of Mary Immaculate, by virtue of this consecration, has been watching over our Society in a very special way. This date is a natural opportunity to reiterate this solemn act, and to place ourselves with renewed confidence in the hands of the greatest of our benefactors.
For this reason, the Superior General invites all priors to organise the public renewal of this consecration in all chapels that can conveniently respond to this request.
In consequence, after a Sunday Mass in each of our chapels there will a public renewal of the consecration - ideally in the course of benediction.
In Jesu et Maria,
Rev. Robert Brucciani
District Superior