The Church Must Be “A Beacon of Support for Life”

The Church “must always be a beacon of support for life,” declared the archbishop of Dublin, Archbishop Diarmuid Martin, in his sermon at the diocesan pilgrimage to Knock. He insisted that the Catholic Church cannot be “a Church of conformism.”
The theme of the Archbishop of Dublin’s sermon was the family, “in which the Faith is lived and passed on from generation to generation.” In our days, when families are confronted with new problems, the prelate pointed out that protecting life is not optional in the teaching of the Church, “when it comes to the unborn and those who are vulnerable at the end of their lives.”
But, he made clear, “Being pro-life is not an ideological position. It is a path of conversion.” “Church institutions have failed many times in their duty. . . to those entrusted to their care,” he lamented, alluding to the cases of abuse that have been denounced these past few years.
“The Church cannot be a church of conformism,” and her message must “always go against” the world, declared the primate of Ireland. Christian families and the disciples of Christ cannot negotiate or compromise with the values of the world and the prevailing culture; they must remain faithful first and foremost to the law of Christ and its fundamental values. May these strong words be heard by all pastors of souls, who can sometimes be tempted to succumb to the siren songs of Modernism.
Sources: The Irish Times / Archdiocese of Dublin / FSSPX.News – 4/27/2018