Apostolate in GB & Ireland under lockdown (1/4/20)

St. Camillus de Lellis patron saint of nurses
Dear Faithful,
As promised, here is an outline of our apostolic plan for the District. This will necessarily change as the situation develops.
Chapel opening times
In the United Kingdom, all places of worship must be closed, but government restrictions for businesses and individuals have been modified to allow “ministers” to broadcast (or record for broadcast) ceremonies.
In Ireland, the government restrictions of 27th March has declared an official lockdown which means that there will be no public ceremonies held at our churches for the moment. If you would like to go to confession or for any other spiritual help please visit the church bulletins.
Sacraments & Devotions
Holy Sacrifice of the Mass: Mass will always be offered behind closed doors. No faithful may assist unless they live in the same house as the priests or are necessary for live-streaming operations.
Confessions: A priest will be available for confessions in a place where the social-distancing rule can be respected (>2m). Where our chapels must remain closed, then each priory will find a way for priests to hear confessions. Contact your priory for information.
Holy Communion: For the moment, the Sacramant of the Eucharist may only be received as Viaticum.
Extreme Unction: automatic for over 60s with symptoms of Covid-19.
Sick calls are reserved for grave cases only.
Contact with the faithful
Priests are not allowed to visit the houses of the faithful (sick calls excepted). The faithful must not make unncessary visits to our priories. No house Masses are allowed.
The priories will keep in touch with the elderly and vulnerable by means of the telephone. The faithful are encouraged to give the the phone numbers of any such elderly or vulnerable souls to the priories.
Internet Apostolate
Live-streaming: Daily Mass and daily rosary are now be live-streamed on the the SSPX Great Britain channel. We hope to commence live-streaming on the SSPX Ireland channel in the near furture. All events will be advertised on the website under Mass Times & Calendars.
Texts/audio: Book readings, conferences and sermons will be uploaded to the various media (website, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter and eventually Instagram) as they become available.
Catechism instruction: for sacramental or other instruction will move entirely to Skype/Hangouts/Whatsapp.
Our greatest desire is that you use this time of draconian restriction to isolate yourselves from the virus and from the world in order to unite yourselves more closely to Christ in His Passion, Death and Resurrection.
In Jesu et Mara,
Rev. Robert Brucciani
District Superior