2018 Eucharistic Crusade Summer Camp
Dear Parents,
With the 2018 Eucharistic Crusade Summer Camps rapidly approaching, I would like to reiterate some guidelines for the Camps. The camps are a great boost to the crusade, where the children can learn the spirit of the Crusade and how to live it in their everyday lives and at the same time have a good bit of fun.
The camps are a great opportunity for the children to make new friend within the circle of tradition, to meet others of similar age groups who are fighting the same fight, albeit in their own spheres.
The power of the Eucharistic Crusade to form young souls comes from the living of its spirit, which can be summed up in prayer, sacrifice, and union with God. Since “the children of today are the adults of tomorrow,” we take an interest in forming the adults of tomorrow by giving a few guidelines as to dress and behaviour. These guidelines provide an occasion for boys and girls to practice and live like Christ in a concrete way, i.e. by giving them an opportunity to overcome themselves and what they might prefer, in the spirit of self-sacrifice.
In General:
* It goes without saying that good behaviour is always expected of the children. There is a lot they can learn from the camp and much God wants to give them, but they must be disposed to receive it.
* The children must bring and wear appropriate clothes to suit the various activities at hand, which will include attending the daily morning Mass, prayer times, meals, and games. Bring a high-visibility vest if you have one.
* As regards footwear, bring: a pair for Mass; a pair for the games and walks in the great (and potentially wet) outdoors; and a pair for the indoor activities (can be the same as for Mass if decent).
* Do not bring valuables to the camp. All electronics will be collected at the start of camp and kept safely until the end, when they will be returned to the children before they return home.
* Bring your crusader badges and scapulars to wear for the Masses and ceremonies.
In Particular:
* They will need a nicer dress for Mass and prayers.
* Beauty and not fashion should guide their choice of clothes.
* The games and activities will encourage them to behave as young ladies, developing the virtues they will need later in life.
* A collared shirt and long trousers are required for Mass and prayers.
* “As the boy, so the man”. Good manners and self-control will be expected of them, along with fairness and good sportsmanship in the games.
Please help your child(ren) prepare for the camp, not only what to bring/ not bring, but also encourage their eagerness to get from the camp the particular graces that God intends to give them. As a work of the apostolate it too will have its fruits. May they be ever more abundant!
In the Immaculate Heart,
Fr Marcel Ockerse
Chaplain of the E.C. in Ireland