Militia Immaculatae
- Origin
- Membership
- Enrolment
- Prayer crusade (Temporarily on hold)
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- M.I. International
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What is the Militia Immaculata?
For more detailed information, please visit the dedicated Militiae Immaculatae website.
The Militia Immaculatae, or Knights of the Immaculata, is a worldwide Marian movement for the sanctification of Catholics and the conversion of non-Catholics, under the patronage of the Blessed Virgin Mary. It was founded by St. Maximilian Kolbe in 1917 as a movement to raise and include all Marian movements in response to the terrible forces arrayed against the Church in our times.
The Militia Immaculatae has been established in the GB District to be a powerful instrument to sanctify souls and to raise up vocations for Holy Mother the Church. Fr Karl Stehlin, District Superior of Poland, is the great apostle and Father Director of the movement which by the end of the Mary Mission Tour through the Philippines in July 2017 had about 100,000 members worldwide. It is a goal of the District that every one of the faithful becomes a member of the Militia Immaculatae.
It is a movement which should attract the masses and snatch them away from Satan. Once souls have been won over to the Immaculata, there will also be a few who can be led further to the very height of devotion, even to the point of heroism in the service of spreading the Kingdom of God through the Immaculata. All religious orders and congregations, all the movements in the Church can also belong to the M.I.
Membership in the M.I. will enable each member to give his best to the apostolate, and in this way attain Christian perfection in his state of life, in his vocation. It is necessary to understand the M.I. as something transcendent rather than general; this means that it should not be viewed as just one organization among many others; rather, it ought to penetrate into the depths of all other organizations. (From a letter dated December 31, 1935).
Original Statutes
She will crush your head. (Genesis 3:15).
Thou alone hast vanquished all heresies throughout the world. (From the Roman Breviary).
I. Object:
To work for the conversion to God of all men, be they sinners, heretics, schismatics, Jews, etc., in particular the Freemasons; and that all become saints, under the patronage and through the mediation of the Immaculate Virgin.
II. Conditions:
1. To consecrate oneself entirely to the Immaculate Virgin, placing oneself freely as a docile and generous instrument in her hands.
2. To wear the Miraculous Medal.
III. Means:
1. If possible, to pray the following ejaculation at least once a day:
O Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to Thee, and for all those who do not have recourse to Thee, especially for the Masons and for all those who are commended to Thee.”
2. To use all other valid and legitimate means for the conversion and sanctification of men, according to one’s means, in the different states and conditions of life, as the occasions present themselves; this is entrusted to the zeal and prudence of each one. Particularly recommended, however, is spreading the Miraculous Medal.
N.B. These means are recommended only as suggestions and not as an obligation; not one of them obliges under pain of sin, not even venial sin. Our principal motive is to help the greatest possible number of souls to be united with the Sacred Heart of Jesus through the mediation of the Immaculata.
Three Levels of Membership
Fr Maximilian Kolbe distinguishes three degrees in the M.I., depending upon the members’ zeal, their capabilities and their state in life.
All religious orders and congregations, all the movements in the Church can also belong to the M.I. The different levels of membership will enable each member to give his best to the apostolate and so attain to Christian perfection.
It is necessary to understand the Militia Immaculatae as something transcendent; this means that it should not be viewed as just one organisation among many others; rather, it ought to penetrate into the depths of all other organisations.”
Level 1
- In the first degree of the M.I., each one consecrates himself to the Immaculata and endeavors to realize the purpose of the Militia individually, according to his own circumstances and the rules of prudence. Envisaged by Maximilian Kolbe for every Catholic, it involves a minor consecration and reception of the Miraculous Medal (see M.I. Ceremony of Enrolment) AND, for apostolic purposes, knowledge of a small 22 question mini-Marian catechism (M.I. Primer Catechism).
Level 2
- In the second degree of the M.I., the Knights bind themselves by special statutes and programs. They unite their forces, in order to reach their declared goal more quickly and effectively. This is for M.I. members with greater commitment to an active apostolate which might be demonstrated by active membership of an organisation of the Church Militant such as the Eucharistic Crusade, Legion of Mary, Apostles of Mary, Archconfraternity of St. Stephen, etc. OR, if other possibilities of common apostolate are opportune, they could be members of a circle of studies, a movement for students, a movement for lawyers, a movement for the suffering etc. (see Fr Stehlin’s Letter No. 3). For example: In June 2017, Fr Stehlin introduced a new second degree goal called M.I. 2 - Mission for Russia with the aim of bringing together Knights who wish to pray for the intention of the consecration of Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, according to the requests of Our Lady at Fatima and in Tuy. In order to join this new second degree goal it is necessary to have read the statutes and information on our website and there is an English language flyer available for download.
This flyer carries the email address to which Knights should submit their intention to rise to Level II. Guidance on what to do and when will be distributed to those who have signed up via the Wordpress channel shown above.
Level 3
- The third degree of the M.I. consists in an unlimited devotion to the Immaculata. Thus She can do with us what She wills and as She wills. We belong entirely to Her and She belongs entirely to us. We do everything with Her help, we live and work under Her protection. This is for M.I. members who have given their entire lives to God by a priestly, religious or lay vocation.
In this way, the first degree is restricted to individual action, the second degree, to the public and social apostolate, whereas the third degree goes beyond all limits and aims at heroism. (From a letter dated May 25, 1920).
If you wish to be enrolled as a Knight of the Militia Immaculatae, please send an email to the G.B. M.I. Coordinator or Ireland M.I. Coordinator stating at which Chapel or Mass Centre you wish to be enrolled and your registration of interest will be consolidated and passed to the District Superior for subsequent action. A list in alphabetic order by town of the Chapels and Mass Centres at which enrolments take place can be seen at Mass Centres. Would-be enrollees need to have made their first Holy Communion.
Prior to enrolment: Firstly it is proposed that you should read the booklet entitled: "Consecration to the Immaculata" treating it like a Novena except that it spans a 13 day preparation phase and requires no more than 10-15 minutes each day and secondly you should then please read the booklet: "Introduction to the Militia Immaculatae" once in further preparation for enrolment. It is not essential to complete these two items of preparation, but it is recommended as a boost to your zeal.
NB: Please be aware that all communications, including Monthly Newsletters, are by email and when enrolling you will need to quote your own email address or a work email address or one for somebody who will print out the communications for you.
Already enrolled?
If you are already enrolled as a Knight of the Militia Immaculatae please do not forget to say at least once daily the aspiration:
O Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to Thee, and for all those who do not have recourse to Thee, especially for the Masons and for all those who are commended to Thee.
Also to wear your Miraculous medal and your brown scapular, and to say your Rosary each day. It is important to keep a couple or more of Miraculous Medals and explanatory leaflets close to hand to give away as free gifts when an opportunity presents itself. Further supplies are available for free at the Chapels and Mass Centres courtesy of the local M.I. Coordinators.
Act of Consecration
O Immaculata, Queen of heaven and earth, refuge of sinners and our Mother most lovable, to whom God deigned to confide the whole order of mercy, I N.N., an unworthy sinner, prostrate myself at thy feet, humbly begging thee if thou wouldst deign to take me wholly and entirely as thy property and possession and to use me, together with all the powers of my body and soul, my life, my death, my eternity, as pleases thee.
Use the whole of me, if thou so willest, without any reservations, to fulfill that which is said of thee, 'She will crush thy head' and 'Thou alone hast crushed all the heresies in the world', so that in thy immaculate and loving hands I may become a useful instrument in engrafting and increasing thy Glory in so many straying and indifferent souls, and in this way to bring about the greatest extension, the blissful Kingship of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus.
For wherever thou enterest thou obtainest graces of conversion and sanctification. Through thy immaculate hands all graces from the Sweetest Heart of Jesus flow upon us.
"Grant me the grace to praise thee, Lady most holy. Grant me strength against my enemies. Amen.
Prayer Crusade
Fr Stehlin writes:
In 2012, after having re-established the M.I. in its traditional observance, I answered a request from some Knights in Poland to start this prayer apostolate, established a special list of Knights who agreed to say one decade of the Rosary with the Memorare in the intentions given by the secretariat. After one month we had 50 Knights in the apostolate, after one year there were almost 1,000. The reason?
After 3 months, I had to print in our bulletins similar ‘thanksgivings' as quoted above. The effects were totally overwhelming. Never in my life could I imagine, that the Immaculata was just waiting for this apostolate to pour out her graces to her beloved Knights.
Therefore I decided to start a similar apostolate in Asia, with a view to introducing it worldwide in the future, and this is now the case—anyone anywhere can join the Prayer Crusade.
How to join the M.I. Prayer Crusade
You can join, or to place an intention, or to give thanks by emailing [email protected]
Please write that you want join the M.I. Prayer Crusade. Give your name, theChapel where enrolled and Certficate number to verify that you are a Knight. When joining the M.I. Prayer Crusade you promise to say every day at least one decade of the Rosary in honour of the Blessed Virgin Mary with the M.I. prayer: 'O Mary conceived without sin pray for us who have recourse to Thee, and for all those who do not have recourse to Thee, especially for the Masons and for all those who are commended to Thee', as well as the Memorare of Saint Bernard ('Remember, O most Blessed Virgin Mary…').
Attention: if for whatever reason you do not pray this decade (you forgot, you had no time, you were sick etc.), you do not commit any sin. But it would be good, that the next day you would then say 2 decades.
The intention of this decade is: to pray for all prayer requests given:
a) by the Knights of the Immaculata who join the prayer crusabe,
b) by the moderators of the MI.
Send your prayer requests as much and as often you want! These requests will be automatically forwarded to all Knights who participate in the M.I. Prayer Crusade (exception: if your request would not be in concordance with the laws of the Church, it will be sent back to you asking you to modify).
Attention: the secretariat will decide if your prayer requests will be sent explicitly to the fellow knights or only in general (e.g. “20 knights asked for prayers for the conversion of their family members etc.). If you do NOT want your request to be published, please mention that in your email.
You are strongly encouraged to send a note of thanksgiving if your prayer request was granted.
May I invite you all to join the M.I. Prayer Crusade?
Imagine: if 15,000 Knights prayed one decade every day, 3,000 rosaries would be said daily for the intentions of the Knights. Besides that, you will have done every day an extraordinary apostolate for HER.
Remember always:
- If you pray for yourself seriously, you will receive.
- If you pray for others, you yourself will receive double.
Fr Karl Stehlin
Manila, 5 April 2016
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M.I. International
Visit the M.I. International homepage.
If you wish to donate to the M.I. Apostolate specifically for the provision of Miraculous Medals, Rosary sets, flyers, books, booklets etc, please make a Bank transfer in pounds sterling to:
• Account Name: Militia Immaculatae
• Sort Code: 30:65:85
• Account Number: 47921360
• BIC: LOYDGB21689