Confirmations in Ireland - 31 May 2025


His Lordship, Bishop Bernard Fellay will confer the sacrament of Confirmation Saturday 31th May, at 11am in St. John the Evangelist, Dun Laoghaire, Dublin


  1. Candidates must have attended a catechism course.
  2. Candidates must have a test with the priest of the SSPX in charge of the local mass center.
  3. Candidates must attach a baptismal certificate copy to the application (unless baptised in an SSPX chapel).
  4. Candidates must arrive at least 30 minutes before the ceremony.
Confirmation name
There shall be only one sponsor for each confirmand.
The sponsor should be :
- a good practising Catholic,
- different from the baptismal godfather,
- of the same sex as the confirmand.